Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Resolutions are difficult

So it has been a while...

I don't beleive in a lot of simple things. New years resolutions happens to be one of these. If there is a problem that you want to fix, then why not do it whenever the heck you feel like it. Why the need for an occasion.

Well without an occasion, I have been failing.

So I decided to have new years resolutions this year to see if I can fix some little problems by attaching them to a cheesy tradition.

The Resolutions:
To not swear
To think positive
To not talk down to my sister
To turn in all forms, homework, everything on time
To turn in big deal things (papers,resumes) early, at least 2 days
To practice dance more

The Reasons:
I swear like a dirty dirty man
This used to be my thing but lately, for about a month a so, I have been a pouting panda, I miss the smiles
My sister is leaving for school in just a few months and I should make the most of our relationship before I have to drive hours to see her
I am really good at turning things in really late but I still get away with it. I have a feeling that in big kid world, everyone won't be so forgiving
I figured that if i set out to turn things in early, I will be on time
I already practice about 10 hours a week for various dance groups and teams but I can always work more

It has been almost a month and I feel that now is a good time to do a progress report.
Swearing- Ha! Like anyone thought this one would last. I tried really hard for about four days and then my friends got sick of being called slutty pandas instead of bitches. So I switched back.
Thinking Positive- I have been trying at this one but I am a poor, overworked, under-loved college student so I can only be so positive and not need medication
Be nice to my sister- so far, I say so good. We spent a few weekends together and we didn't beat each other up.
Turn Stuff in on time/early- haha... ya... I guess blaming this one on my race only goes so far...
Practice Dance- I feel like all I do in my free time is practice dance. I am so over danced that looking at my dance shoes gives me this horrible pitted feeling in my stomach (that is now getting flatter because of dance) So I will I have been practicing more than I used to.

So far, I have learned that by making resolutions, I feel like I let my self down more but I still failed on the ones that I thought I would fail on. I still beleive that resolutions are silly and useless that we should all just fail our goals and not give them a fancy name...

How have your resolutions gone?